Health Bars

A Health Bar is a bar that usually has a good balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Health bars also contain nutritional supplements and are a must for a healthier lifestyle. They should be eaten between meals or before or after a workout. They should be used mainly to keep your metabolism burning. This helps burn fat and keeps your energy level up.


Health bars tend to focus on one thing, either a balance nutritional bar or a protein bar. Some claim to promote weight loss; these usually are bad for you and should be avoided at all times.

The known protein bars include power bars, Promax, detour, and BIG 100. Among the popular meal replacement bars are South Beach Diet, Atkins Advantage, and Kashi bars. The more familiar weight loss bars include LA Weight Loss or Slim-Fast bars.

Other than Kashi of the above-listed bars, all contain artificial sweeteners, so it is recommended to avoid them. Most commercial bars contain either High Fructose Corn Syrup, Artificial Sweeteners, Trans-Fat (Partially-Hydrogenated oils), and/or MSG.

The ones I have found to be safe for consumption are Cocoa Cassava, Larabar, Lenny and Larry’s Muscle Brownies, and Cookies, Jay Robb, and a few others.

I recommend that everyone eat 5 or 6 meals a day but for most people that is next to impossible. Vegetables and fruits are always a priority. If they are not available then I would suggest a health bar.